Welcome to Forgotten Oklahoma & Wildfire Trading Co.!

Riverside Home Update!

Many of you have asked how it's going at the Riverside Home we bought last year to turn into a bed and breakfast. Since we had to hire a lawyer to get the title work straightened out it took much longer than we thought but a few weeks ago we finally got it all cleared up and the title is officially in Forgotten Oklahoma's name! This means we can move forward with the project. I have been working on a business plan and Ryan has been getting bids for the project. As soon as that is done we will be going to the bank. Our plan is to turn it into a bed and breakfast and wedding venue. We just had our daughters wedding at our house in April (with over 300 guests) and I have other wedding planning and event experience so this add on to the bed and breakfast came naturally! The home sits on 7 acres along Black Bear Creek in Pawnee and has so many amazing possibilites. More updates will be coming soon as we go throughout this process. You can also follow along on our Riverside Home page on FB. All purchases here online and in the store in Pawnee are going to this project. Thanks for your support!