Welcome to Forgotten Oklahoma & Wildfire Trading Co.!

Still moving forward!

I thought I would give an update on the Riverside Home project since it has been a while! Last year we presented our business plan to the bank and while we were initially pre-approved for the loan, interest rates were simply too high to justify moving forward on the loan. Interest rates have since dropped so we are moving forward with working on the loan again this summer. Meanwhile, we have had the electric turned on at the pole so we can use tools, and we are having the gas meter moved. We have also been acquiring furniture, decor, wallpaper, doors, windows, trim, and other building tools for when we get started. We also had a group member come and start tearing off the back of the house where it is falling into the basement. Slowly but surely we are making progress and are so excited to see our dream come to life! We have some more exciting announcements coming soon about our plans out there. Stay tuned!