The new edition of 101 Things to Do With Bacon has a groovy new look to showcase all the easy-to-make 101 bacon-filled recipes in this bestselling cookbook from a series of over 3 million copies sold. Along with a new design, the book is now a concealed spiral-bound flexi paperback. Eliza Cross, founder of the bacon lovers society BENSA, knows bacon! This redesigned new edition of 101 Things to Do With Bacon offers up some of her best recipes and helpful hints to get that flavorful crispy, crunchy meat in your belly. And these recipes are not just for breakfast. You'll find fun twists on old favorites as well as creative new recipes for salads, soups, sandwiches, appetizers, entrees, and even desserts! Paperback 128pgs Courses & Dishes Eliza Cross is an award-winning writer and the author of 14 books, including the bestselling Bacon, Beans and Beer and Small Bites.Â